Thursday, July 2

Garden Pest Fun...

Summer Snailz
Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Had to have some fun with our daughter...
She loves to take evening walks
with our black lab~
They're buds!
Some snails disturbed their stroll...

We have had a lot of rain, so the flower beds
seem to be full of slugs & snails.
They devour plants!
The other night, several S&S's were on the brick
path...our pup was sniffin' them out
and our girl was doing her best to
relocate them across the road!
Slimy~ Messy~ Yucky!

So I made some her favorite color!
Tie Dye!
Now when she steps on them in the dark
She just pictures them in full color...

Hope your day is wonderful!


  1. Who knew snails could look so cute?

  2. Your snails are much prettier than the real thing! Thanks for visiting! Have a nice day. Twyla

  3. I suppose we would all love those pesky snails a bit more if they looked like this!

    Thanks for your very kind comments. I don't seem to get much time for bookbinding these days but I shall try to find time soon.

  4. Love your colouful snails. They are actually a favourite subject for me, just the brown ones but they do have great patterns. In my garden, a song thrush has been bashing the snail shells all day and then eating them.
    It would certainly brighten up the garden if they come multicolored.

  5. Pretty snails. I would love to see those silver poodle pictures! (Smile) ~Mandy

  6. Your Daughter sounds adorable. I love the picture you painted, so pretty. Do you sell your pictures? I am wishing you and your family a beautiful Holiday weekend.

  7. So much color!!! I love it! I'm just sitting down to much neglected visiting blogs this morning. I hope your summer has begun in glorious fashion!

  8. I love the snails, Michelle. On my site, I did a bug--kind of with the same idea... (not as good as your's)I don't like bugs, but figured I could draw and paint some that I would like---figured since I was 'inventing' them, they could be any shape or color I wanted... therefore: 'A Bug I Can Truly Love'. If you take a look at my site, it's on the left, near the top. Beautiful snails!
