Friday, April 24

It's Friday...Whew!

We all have those weeks...

Our Sadie-Lady kitty...
Today is expected to be in the mid 70's,
tomorrow...low 80's ~ Mmmmmm...the weekend.

"In the first grade, I already knew the pattern
of my life. I didn't know the living of it,
but I knew the line...
From the first day in school
until the day I graduated,
everyone gave me one hundred plus in art.
Well, where do you go in life?
You go to the place where you got
one hundred plus."
Louise Nevelson

That quote IS the story of my life...
Mrs. King & Mr. Murray
My little end-of-the-year award button...
construction paper circle,
pinned to my shirt read,
"My Little Artist!"

Do what you what you do!
Hope you have a great weekend~


  1. Michelle,
    I absolutely love this picture of your sweet cat. You just have to smile when you look at it : ) I hope you have a beautiful and creative weekend.

  2. I hear you, Friend! 100% correct! Do what you love, go to school to learn how to be good at what you love! The money will follow. And the satisfaction of having something you love, that you put your heart and soul into....nothing compares!

    I feel like your kitty on Fridays!
    Perfect TGIF picture!


  3. How I loved your quote, and it truly brought me to my first grade art teacher's encouragement of my rabbit design. I do wish I still had that little work of 'art.' But I'll always remember his kind words.
    Thank you for yours too-it is very, very important to feel loved!!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Love, Debra

  4. Hi Michelle~ This is such a dear sweet post! Love the kitty picture and the quote is wonderful! Life is so short, we need to do what we love! ~Mandy (I enjoyed your comment about teaching your daughter to skip. So funny.)

  5. Hi Michelle,

    Our youngest daughter is gifted in art as well. She is a high school junior and has been giving lots of thought as to what she would like to follow in the future. She is totally undecided. Her strengths are also in the sciences and Literature. Guess she still has time to find her dream.
