Tuesday, March 3

Michelle Scissors-Hand...

When I mentioned that I liked old papers...
I should have said LOVED!

Forget Me Nots are my FAVORITES....

Some of the images are from 1870's!
I've been finding things dated 1840's in the piles!

The originals are too fragile to use.
I had to make copies...
Now I get to cut them all out!

So many ideas...so little time!

For now the needle felts are waiting for
my chick yellow to arrive.
This mound will take me a few evenings to trim.

What fun! Every time I look at an image
I find it even more beautiful...


  1. Hi Michelle~ That's my kind of fun too! ~Mandy

  2. What goodies! I know you're in 7th heaven.

  3. Oh gurl...these are fab! You should sell collage sheets on your Etsy of these...I would be first in line! :D


  4. What a beautiful collection, so inspiring, must be lovely to take them out and just enjoy the images.
    Thank you for the kind comments, it is a pleasure working with children and creating artwork.
