Friday, January 16

Photo Reference...

The best start in any drawing/painting/sculpting medium
is to have excellent reference material.

Always bring a sketch book along...
or a few napkins...
or a receipt...
or a ticket stub!
You hear've done it before!

Take your own pictures...or draw to record.
Most images are protected under artist copyright.
It is important to respect those laws...
You can look at TONS of pictures for inspiration,
details you may have missed...background ideas.
But don't design your art from them.
Your photos~
1st~ Your perspective is unique to YOU.
Keeps the design fresh.
2nd~ Seeing the actual subject helps you capture
the neat little details you can't discover
from 1,000 images...sheen, texture...
sometimes SMELL! (Whooo-wee!)
3rd~ It's safe. If your design is selected for
production on cards, mugs, fabric etc.
You know it is your property!
Copyright infringements are serious.

I take my camera where ever I go...and
I've asked antique shops if I could take pictures...
(After I put my handful of FINDS on the counter!)
ponds, front porches...window boxes...flags!
Apple orchards...flower nurseries...the fair, zoo...etc.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I've done that too...taken pics in shops. In fact, after asking permission from the owners I've told them that I'll send them a print of the finished painting. It has actually led to the shops ordering more to SELL!

    You have a lot of good points here!

