Wednesday, December 17

Stained Tags...

The numerous photos will be your guide...

The top tag is how they come in the package.
The bottom ones I crinkle up in a ball
over and over...

The same tags with the stain color I made
to match a favorite wrap I found...

The tags have a leather-look...

Paint the mixture on...

Wipe off the excess...

Don't wipe the excess off on these...

Allow to dry & dress up!

I share them in a little bit~


  1. Michelle, Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas. I can't wait to start making some for the top of my presents and for myself. They are wonderful. Have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year, Julie

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I made some tags this summer, using a paint comb. They turned out nice, but I can't wait to see your finished ones.
    Did you know you can add Paperclay to tags-I need to do a tutorial. It's so much fun!
    Love, Debra
    PS I didn't think I should photograph your print in my work room-wouldn't it be a breach of copyright? Otherwise, I would have shown the world!

  3. Wow! What great ideas! Michelle, you always do the neatest stuff!
    Betcha you've got paint all over yourself! ;-) Isn't that half the fun!

  4. I love the polka dots!! Your tags are wonderful.
