Wednesday, December 24

Like Any Nut...

Like a nut...I went out today!
I had forgotten ONE ingredient...

I stopped at my favorite junk place~

Or did I forget the ingredient so I could
go to my favorite junk place~ one more time?

Found these vintage greens...
They're plastic, which I usually don't care for~
These are from the inside of old ornaments.
$.35 for all!
We had a set like these when I was a kid.

I'll save the ornament shell for a fun project...
I have been searching for a little something
to put in my windowsill glasses~
These look sweet!

Wonder how long it will take the
three DARLING kittens to find them?
I say that with LOVE in my voice...tee hee!!!!!


  1. About two seconds! Cats know where everything in a house is, when it's been moved, if it's been REmoved, if something's been added!
    Hugs and Merry Christmas, Friend!

  2. Merry Christmas, Michelle and Family!



  3. Just dropping in to wish you a Merry Christmas!!

    Jan & Tom

  4. Hi Michelle, Came by to check out your blog again, and to thank you for your lovely comments during the last few months. And I'm looking forward to seeing more of your artwork during 2009! Wishing you a happy and healthy and peaceful new year!

  5. Michelle, I hope that you had a wonderful and Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas to you-a little late, but very heartfelt.
    Thank you for your friendship, and uplifting encouragement. It has meant a lot to me.
    Love, Debra
