Tuesday, November 25

Ebay Time!

"Bitty Bird" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer

Eleven of our new
needle felted friends

are now for sale on Ebay!

We did it!!!
You can find them by going to the
main page on Ebay
and type in Michelle Palmer!

You will also see some of our other
licensed products (fabric, Crazy Mt. etc.)

"Little Hoot" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
Doesn't he sit so sweet in Frosty's corncob pipe?

"Timothy Owl" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
See the tiny bits of paper wasp nest...

"Little One Hoot" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
Ohhhhh....wouldn't that make a great sled!

"Teenie the Elephant" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
I love the vintage boot!

"Squeaker" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
Waiting for that quick peek at Santa...

"Trudy Mouse" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
Can you imagine how big a strawberry field
must look to a mouse?

"Cup Full of Love" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
LOVE the vintage Chenille snow pile they're on!

"Snowman Joy" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
This sweet little snow friend is
all dressed up for Christmas with
vintage ornaments...sitting on a silver spoon!

"Tippy Turtle" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
I just want to hug'em & pinch his chubby cheeks!

Last...but not least~
"Sweet Blue" Copyright Michelle L. Palmer
This is the one with the bird, skunk...
and turtle leg features!

There are more photos of them on Ebay...
Different views & close ups!
It is fun to be able to share some original
Michelle Palmer Designs again!

I miss the years of seeing all of you
at our open houses,
art festivals and watercolor workshops.

Do hope each of you have a wonderful,
safe and memory-filled Thanksgiving holiday!


  1. Mchelle,
    Your little critters are great!
    They seem like a natural extension of your painting. Wish we could needle felt together someday!
    Love, Debra
    PS I think my favorite is the snowman...maybe the owl...no-the elephant. It's hard to pick just one!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Hi Michelle! I got such a kick out of you mentioning the Bright Eyes postage stamps! I have the Bright Eyes black kitty stamp on my keyring. I love it!

    I love the little creatures you make! My favorites are the little mice with real whiskers. Speaking of whiskers, I have found quite a few lately. Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for visiting me! ~Mandy

  3. Absolutely huggable adorable! Happy Turkey Day, too.

  4. Someone's been very, very busy! I am wishing you lots of Ebay sales, friend!


  5. I love your little critters! They are just so cute! I'll bet you will sell out! Have a great Christmas,
