Sunday, November 2

Board Book to Memory Book...

From time to time I'm able to find
kids board books from a few
of my favorite thrift shops...

With two BEAUTIFUL sunny, warm days
I was able to get them prepared for
Memory books...
Palm sander...what a wonderful tool!
I use a fine grit paper...but not "super fine"~

All those tiny fingerprints being sanded off
along with the colorful images~

New fingerprints will be added when these
are given for the holidays...
filled with photos & written memories.

With the gloss surface gone it's time to
gather up the glue sticks & papers...

Close up example of one book...

I like to use a glue stick because it doesn't
warp the chipboard or the papers...

I apply the glue (be generous) to the board book,
making sure glue is at the edges~
Place oversize paper side up,
then completely burnish with a hard, smooth edge.

Trim with an Xacto knife by turning the
decorated side down to the cutting surface.
You can see the extra and use the book edge
as your guide.

These are all plain...(for now....)
I will keep them stacked under some heavy
books to make sure they are nice & flat before
I begin to add the "theme details" to each one.

Oh what fun these will be!
These are sweet thank you gifts...
I'd like to make one for a new neighbor~
fill it with local phone numbers for take-out,
electrician, plumbers, garden shops, bakery, ...

The possibilities are endless!

I'll be sure to share when I complete one~

Wishing you wonderful project times!


  1. Those are fantastic! You have such cute ideas, I love to "click" on your posts, I never know what neat thing you'll do next!

  2. How fun! I will keep my eyes open for these, as my little wire bound books are getting harder and harder to find! Thanks for the how-to's. Hope you will show off some finished ones!


  3. Michelle, these are wonderful! I've never tried the board books and was wondering lately about making a journal but not with flimsy paper. Thanks for the inspiration! Mick's got a palm sander...hmmm...wonder if I could talk him into sanding the pages for me.... ;-)

    You're one clever girl!

  4. I love all kinds of paper products and projects, this is a great idea. I think I'll pass it on to my daughter, she is really into scrapbooking and has a great paper collection. Wouldn't they make cute little Christmas gifts?

  5. These little books look wonderful! You do such a beautiful job. Anyone would be very lucky to receive one of these! Twyla

  6. Michelle, thank you so much for the sweet words on my blog ~ I'm honored to be on your friends list! This is the best idea!!! Makes me want to make a few now....I'm heading to the thrift store as soon as I can to gather up a few! xxoo, Dawn
