Tuesday, November 11

Baskets of Goodies...

After long hours of work it is always refreshing
to take time away from the studio to "recharge."

Hubby took a vacation day Monday~
I don't know if it was HIS way of recharging...
but we went for a country drive toward the lake
and hit one of our favorite antique malls!

I try to keep $20 business cash tucked away
just in case BARGAINS are found.
Today was our day!
Two baskets stuffed full...one LOW price for each~

The handles will become spoon rings
and treasure box pulls...

So beautiful!
I won't clean a bit of the patina off...

These are perfect for tiny, acrylic-painted details...
Then sealed with a clear, matt finish...

Hand worn...

These were all in that basket!!!

I love to share...
Many of these will find new homes...

LOVE the packaging design...

Christmas red!

Love the soft tones...

More than ONE-OF-the same-KIND!

Sweet for baby...

I love out of the way places...
with time to spend looking on bottom shelves,
inside cupboards...

Treasures are to be found...
The taxes put me a bit over budget~
Thank heavens I brought Hubby along!
Wishing you a wonderful rest of the week~


  1. OMG, that old flatware is to die for. I would use it at the table, never mind making anything else out of it!

  2. WOW Michelle!! You hit it bigtime! I love all the buttons and the silver is gorgeous too ~ don't you love finding good stuff? xxoo, dawn

  3. I'm so glad such treasures fell into such deserving hands. I know you will do beautiful things with all of these. Twyla

  4. OOO! Silverware! What fun!! Don't you love all of the beautiful designs on them! You could make a wind chime out of the knives!

    I'm mailing your snowman later today!


  5. Lovely finds, and beautiful photos.
    Love, Debra
    PS The buttons made me drool a little!

  6. Oh my goodness girl!!! Wow!! I'm in love with those knifes!!! They make great easels...!! I should give that painting a try...if I can find a good small brush that hasn't been chewed on.lol. My kitties are brothers...I love it, but they do get into EVERYTHING!! Laurie

  7. Michelle,
    You found beautiful treasures at a great price, what could be more fun : ) I am going to be working on my Christmas cards while I am off my feet soon, I will be thinking about you with every one I write, I love them! I hope you are having a great week.
