Saturday, October 11

Samples Arrived...

Universal Designs did such a FANTASTIC
job with these! They are such nice quality~

These are just a few of the
collections they have designed
with my paintings!

I have seen some of these products in our local
Christian book stores...

I hope to be partnered with them for
YEARS & YEARS to come...
This company is in Florida...
Products are made & printed in USA~


  1. Michelle, they're precious! I love their products too!


  2. Michelle, I love them too. I'm praying for the big deal you have been working on.
    Love, Debra

  3. PS~ I just re-read your story about getting your agent. What a powerful testimony. I admire your attitude that you'd just keep going if they didn't like your work...
    But I'm wondering here-how could anyone NOT love your work?!

    It's so true what you said too about the sideline 'experts.'
    I'm really curious about your 3-D commercial objects you mentioned. Do you have them licensed as well? Could you show some projects you have finished or are working on?

    I have a very important question for you, and for Diane too, if she would like to respond-
    How do you keep a healthy balance in your head between doing your work, serving God and your family, and all the other claims to your time and thoughts? I'm having a hard time unfocusing on what I'm trying to accomplish, and I don't want it to be an idol. I would love your input on this.

  4. Hi Debra~ I'll try to answer...

    Not all artwork/style/color/medium works for every manufacturer. (example) I begin a 3-D project I visualize what it will look like. I aim for that from the beginning... so do manufacturers. They have a visual idea of EXACTLY what they're looking for. They know what surface they're going to put it on~ they know their product. They have hundreds of artists/designs (possibly) to sort through. Some companies use a small group of artists & stick with them...others take on new artists continually.
    (I'll share my 3-D fun stuff sometime...manufacturers can make 3-D products from well drawn images/paintings of all sides.)

    Art is my "free-time fun" with the kids~ (when they want it to be...)
    Believe it or not...I serve at our church several times a year PAINTING! :) Just finished several canvas pieces to match a program they're using for the nursery & wee ones~ it's what I do & God uses it.
    If you knew friends of ours...they would say I just don't sleep! LOL ~ I have time to take elderly to doctors appts., I keep a clean house (could be debated from time to time! tee hee) We have children that we LOVE, LOVE, LUV! that are both VERY involved with wonderful things~ we take'em, we stay with 'em~ I'm in a Bible study...we eat meals together...I love to garden...and play on this silly computer.
    I don't have a problem walking away from painting/designing. After a huge deadline...I don't paint for several days. (The house usually needs an over-haul!) ha! I've been at it for 22's like breathing. There are rare times when I can't walk away from something (maybe like what you're describing)~ I think it's normal...if it is ALWAYS that way~ I'm not sure~

    When I started licensing, I wanted every design to be perfect. I am a perfectionist...trying very hard NOT to be. I LOVE that I am learning that MY BEST is good enough. I can't get into the minds of the buyer/manufacturers/other SUCCESSFUL artists...etc. If I have creative block...I get out some of my favorite "picture" books, Dover design books...blogs from other parts of the world (non-English speaking are fantastic)...

    It might be "outside stuff" pushing on you. It's great that you're an artist...just because you think about it doesn't mean it's an idol~ It just means it's part of you...and what ever (good) is a part of you is part of God.

    :) Did that help?
