Thursday, October 2

Picking Apples...

The apron would have been helpful...
but I would have never survived
wearing dresses.
I don't own a dress to this day.
Black slacks, trouser socks n' casual shoes
on bottom...nice, simple shirt on top.
I'm afraid I don't make a very stylish
impression at business meetings
until they open my portfolio.
Then they stop looking at me...
and business continues on well!

As a child the vintage picture would
have been a bit different...
NO ladder...after all, apple trees aren't
nearly as tall as chestnut trees!
No standing on the ground waiting
for A BOY to hand one down.
I would have been in the tree with
my legs folded over a limb,
hanging upside down~
choking down the sour bites.

Some of our kids neighborhood friends
were all together playing apple
baseball the other day. Sounds wasteful,
but the early hail damaged a lot of the
fruit & worms got into soft spots easily.
They smelled very fragrant when
they walked inside!

It's so good to see young people laughing
and having fun...even if it's "sticky!"


  1. We always shoot our bad fallen apples as far as we can throw them-seeing who can throw the farthest.(Never me)
    Our young trees won't be fruitful for a couple more years. Can't wait for them!
    Our old tree is a red delicious-I'm afraid it's not very good tasting.
    I am so curious about the business aspect of your art. I wish sometime you could blog about it. I know I would faint if I had to show a portfolio.
    It's sort of nerve-wracking just to show my art on a blog...
    I'm excited to see more of your work, and of course, to hear about your projects. So glad we found each other!
    Love, Debra

  2. Oh, my, I never heard of apple baseball. I've never seen an apple growing, just the ones in the supermarket. It never dawned on me that they weren't all perfect!

  3. DEBRA~ I'll post some info. today that might explain a little about what I do...& recommend a book that an artist friend recommends to people...

    Oh're so dear! Apples right off the backyard tree, or from an orchard taste SO different! I don't know what to compare it to. Fresh popped, popcorn~ the next day it still is "okay" but a little flat...Pizza~ mmmm warm from the oven. Leftovers are "okay"...but most of the flavor is missing. Grocery store apples, even for us right now, in the middle of apple country~ taste "okay" not ORCHARD FRESH. Even if I were to mail you a few...I think they would taste different than store bought.
    We had A LOT of bizarre hail late spring, early summer that beat up the young fruits pretty badly...they'll still be used in applesauces, pies etc.
    I love the late apples (picked right about now) they are meatier, crisp & full of taste...great for all recipes.
    Wish I could bag the scent of an orchard for you~

    Thanks for your notes!
