Thursday, October 23

Journal Pages to Share...

I posted a new journal cover several days ago.
These are a few of my pages~

I love to mix papers, rubber stamps...sketches!

I have several pale ink colors~
I love to add my own details in a darker tone
or make the stamp look 3-D

Don't they look like they're having
a friendly conversation?

Sat on her tuffet...

EVERY page should have had
these words...

My daddy's name...

That bird nest stamp is one of my favorites!

I will make my first journal entry tonight...
A warm cup of tea...
Some soft music...
Six layers of blankets!

Hope you're inspired to be making one, too~


  1. Michelle, your work is always so imaginative, free and full of heart.

    One of these days we'll be able to get together with our crafts, glue, scissors and spend a few hours together making a mess!


  2. Michelle,
    I am trying to catch is getting harder, not easier...
    And tomorrow I have to mow our two acre lawn (2 acres minus many gardens, and our nice wet spot).
    Sometimes I think I'm doing something wrong-not using my time right...but all the other things are first right now, so I think it will even out soon.
    I do ramble, sorry.

    I will enjoy doing your blog favorite challenge-I am honored you chose me! I find I come here even when I'm tired because I always leave feeling uplifted and encouraged. Now I just have to make a journal. Yours is lovely. I guess I never thought it could be so much fun! And I want to look at the studio magazine too.
    I have not done the marbelizing yet, but I do have all the supplies, and I'll get to that too.
    I am having some fun experimenting with acrylics-wiping off parts of the painting so the under colors show,(this technique works really well on a texture like barn boards, but maybe not so well on paper) then top painting what's left. I'll show that one too.

    I saw snow on the hill across the lake-I can't remember if I told you. None here yet.

    Do you like Susan Branch? I noticed she has her designs on fabric also.

    Have you ever done paintings for a book? I would think your art would be perfect for such a project.
    Sweet dreams!

  3. Diane...Oh what fun we'd have! I don't think a few hours would be enough...wouldn't a weekend retreat at a lodge, roaring fire (not that I can keep a SAFE fire going) yummy food, British movies & ARTS n' CRAFTS!
    Hmmmm...I think it will happen sometime!
    Thanks for your sweet note~

  4. Debra~
    I keep checking for your paper! :)
    I know it's hard to find time for everything...the leaves keep swirling about, tapping the window from time to far I have managed to talk myself into waiting until more fall. We have "almost" one must take you a good part of the day to mow/trim, clean up...but I've seen some of your photos...such a beautiful setting.

    I'm so glad you enjoy my bloggy-zone! I feel the same about yours~ just LOVE your photos, too!

    I love to put "bits of favorite things" in my journals...I have shelves filled with them~ I'll have fun sharing the new ones before I write all over them! When you come across a blog where people have made tells so much about a person.

    We had "feathers" in the air...but no snow formed on the grass.
    I will not be nearly as excited about it come Feb. :)

    I like Susan Branch's most all time favorite is Marjolein Bastin. I have a collection of her cards, books, all date journals...even some Libelle Magazine pages from the Netherlands. :)We seem to have similar interests & a little of the same style. Her homeland brings a sweet character to her designs. She seems like a very sweet, humble person, too.

    I am writing a collection of children's books. I have resisted the temptation of sharing my portfolio with publishers...I could not take on another level & ever hope to complete mine. Even if I don't take the step to publish...our children will have them & maybe bring them to completion. :) Thanks for your kind words...
    Have you ever seen books by Jan Brett? She is my all time favorite children's book illustrator. (I do like Marjolein Bastin's Vera Mouse, too) I have a link to her on my list of favorites...(I have to get some names added to that list!)
    Good Night, friend~

  5. Hi Michelle,
    You won my giveaway!!! I just posted about it on my blog, thank you so much for visiting me. I can not find a email address for you, mine is Email me your mailing address so I can get your goodies to you, thank you so much. And your journal is Beautiful!!! You are very creative.

  6. I just hopped over here to meet you from Kat Collects. I was all prepared to say how jealous I was that you won, and then - WOW! I must say, You have a beautiful blog. I am going to enjoy looking through your archives. Congratulations on winning one of the prettiest give aways I have ever seen! Twyla

  7. Hi Michelle,

    I'm coming over from Debra's blog. This was devine timing because I know I'm supposed to be using the journal that I started several weeks ago. I knew it needed to be "pretty" and I gave it some effort (not enough!). You've inspired me to finish it and then use it to stay ORGANIZZED! Thanks,

  8. Your journal is over the top beautiful!!! What fun. Ok, on to you are writing your blog and you finish typing in a name then highlight it, click on the link icon and a pop up comes up. I hit the backspace to get rid of the http, then paste in whose blog you have copied. Does that make any since.Laurie

  9. I have a do I get a copyright quotation like you have on your blog...on my side bar??? Laurie
