Friday, October 17

Journal Making...

My last journal was made from
one of these beautiful Moleskine plain journals.
I purchase them at Barnes & Noble...
They come in packages of three. Lined, blank etc.

When I have the time to make
completely handmade journals~
I LOVE to try new styles...

Journals make beautiful, personal gifts...
I have made LOADS of them & I'm sharing
the books that inspire me!

Sample page...

Sample page...

Sample page...

Sample page...

Sample page...

Sample page...

Each book is very different...
There are many more to choose from.
It's important to read the directions page
to make sure the writer has clear photos &
puts each step in words you can understand.

My tutorial books are Christmas & birthday gifts...
From the very people I give handmade journals to!
I LOVE them!


  1. Thank you for the tips about what books to get. I would love to make these for gifts. I have a nice collection of old seems like fabric would be fun to use too. I am going to do some marbelizing on paper. I'll show the results when I get going. My son and I made our own paper once-it was fun and very beautiful. We put bits of plants in the mix. You don't need store-bought paper making kits. Maybe I'll do a blog tutorial about that sometime.

    I love these flannel-cloud days we're having, don't you?
    Love, Debra

  2. Aloha Michelle,
    I love these!!! I guess I'm excited because I do alot of journaling and poetry and this just gets away from the ordinary. Thank you so much for sharing these, Did you make the stamps above?. I am a friend of Debra's at sparrowgrass .I love looking at her photos and saw your commennt and wanted to drop by to say hello. Do you mind if I ask you where you purchased your journaling book. After I finished my chemo I stopped crafting for a while, but now I am motivated to get back into doing something new and being that I wrote alot of poetry this would be a great project.

    Thank *U* Lorie

  3. Hi Debra!
    I hope you share pix of the journal you make~ I know it will be beautiful! (Some of your marbleized paper would make a beautiful cover) Can't wait to see the paper, too~
    We made paper once...I still have the powder medium that you had to put somewhere in this house! tee hee~

    The days have been beautiful~
    It's fun to blog with someone who is nearby...we're looking at the same sky just an hour or so later.
    I saw "birds eye" clouds when I was a student at R.I.T.~ as I was walking in professors & DROVES of students were standing outdoors looking up. I didn't know if it was a trick...but I decided to go for it. AMAZING! Wish I had my camera. Maybe I'll do a Google search n' see if I find a picture of some to share.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Hi Lorie!
    So glad you stopped by~
    I purchased all of the books from Barnes & the craft section. There are SO many unique ideas in these. I've searched online for free tutorials from time to time...these are just packed full of all different designs that you can personalize. Your poems & blog are beautiful...what treasures your journals will be!

    Yes, I made the stamps...I seem to jump from craft to craft when I take breaks from my deadlines...we have fun as a family with projects!
    So glad you're crafting again!
    Best wishes,
