Thursday, September 11

Window Ledges...

This would be the perfect spot for one of our cats to take a warm morning nap...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of green tomatoes to ripen...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of zinnia arrangements in antique ink bottles...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of Cinderella pumpkins~ all different shades...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of antique spools with vintage lace...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of narrow clay vessels filled with paint brushes...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of antique blue canning jars casting aqua shadows...

This would be the perfect spot for a row of small jars filled with a vivid collection of colored pencils...

This would be the perfect place for a basket of seed packets, garden trowel~ a clay pot with a bright red geranium reflecting back into the glass...



  1. would be a perfect spot to put a hot apple pie to cool! Or to sit with a nice book and a cup of tea or needlework...or to dream...or to wait for a loved one...or to put a candle to welcome someone home.



  2. Yes...yes...yes!
    Love the candle one...but can eat the apple pie one!
