Monday, September 29

Natural Landscapes...

This is one of my favorite birdhouses...
The moss growing in the corners makes
it look professionally landscaped~
All trim and lush!


  1. Michelle, the Tyvek experiment is cool! Sort of like Yupo "paper".

    I like the moss on the birdhouse. You can create moss. Heard a "recipe" for it with buttermilk and something else plus moss that you mush all together and smear on things and leave them outside and moss grows on it.


  2. Yup, I heard that too. I think the something else is a bit of moss, like a starter when you make sour dough bread!
    The bird house is beautiful-any bird would be proud to move in there.
    Thank you so much for your support of my new adventure. I must admit, sometimes I am very chicken about it. I like those little steps too, and I'm so uncomfortable jumping out of the boat ...But I have to do something with all the stuff I make! (and all those barn board paintings..oh my.)
    I can't wait to go to a big town and buy some of your art work!!
    Love, Debra

  3.'re both so sweet!
    I have tried sooo hard to get the moss out of our lawn...if I started making batches of it here and there (which would be fantastic!!!) my hubby would wonder if I lost my last bit of sanity! :) Now I've gotta research it and see what I can come up with~ wouldn't it look sweet around the rim of a bird an all-weather carpet for the birdie toes!

    Yupo? Diane...What type of paper is that? Yupo~Yuppie...

    Debra~ I can't wait to see your wonderful artwork & cheer you on!

    Thanks for your notes!
