Tuesday, September 23

Fall Nest...

I love this vintage little bowl...
It seems to be the perfect fit for
this mossy, twig-filled~ pine needle
and dried leaf NEST!

This gem was found on top of a bluebird
nest...I think three different birds
were trying to claim the space as their
own most of the summer...
It sat empty through August & September~
Now the bluebird house is all cleaned and
waiting for a new tenant!


  1. How beautiful! What a gem you've found. I laughed to myself when I saw the nest in a bowl, now that's a birdy "mobile home" isn't it! Such a work of art!

  2. You're so funny!
    My hubby just smiles n' deals with my quirky decorating~
    The nest was just too beautiful to toss to the ground...but there was NOOOO way it would hold together. It's a girdle of sorts! tee hee!
